Friday 6 April 2018

China Donates $1 Million

China Donates $1 Million Towards Food Aid For War-Stricken Syrians:

DAMASCUS: China has given $1 million in help to the World Food Program (WFP) in Syria to buy sustenance for the war-stricken Syrians, the Chinese Embassy in Syria has said.

At a service denoting the finish of the guide conveyance on Wednesday, Chinese Ambassador to Syria Qi Qianjin communicated China's promise to proceeded with helpful guide to lighten the torment of the Syrian individuals.

"China will keep on providing helpful guide to Syria through two-sided collaboration with the Syrian government or universal associations," Qi Qianjin said on Wednesday, Xinhua news office revealed.

The gift from China was utilized to buy around 1,300 tons of green peas between last December and February, which will profit about 1 million individuals crosswise over Syria, as per a WFP explanation.

Since the Syrian emergency broke out in 2011, the Chinese government has consented to various arrangements with universal bodies, including the World Health Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross, to give medicinal and sustenance help to Syrian displaced people.


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